Tagged: Footer, recent posts, top content
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- Topics: 2
- Replies: 17
- Total posts: 19
Post count: 17Hello! I am having some troubles in making the website similar to the main demo page:
– Email and telephone on top left. Sociables on top right.
Logo on left. Menu itens on right.So theses errors are occurring:
1 – Those top elements are not appearing at all. Even if I adust what I want in the Concept Customization Tab, there are no results.
2 – Is there a way to hide the flexslider text box?
3 – The “Recent Posts” plugin: the arrows on top doesn’t move to next or previous posts.
4 – I established the footer to have 3 widgets. But when i change in the Concept Customization Tab, it returns to only 2 widgets.
How can I send a private message so you can check the website? Thank you for your support.