Tagged: archive, blog, pagination
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- Topics: 4
- Replies: 1
- Total posts: 5
Post count: 6Pagination does not show up on archive pages. I would guess this also happens on the other pages where:
if ( function_exists ('atp_pagination') ) { atp_pagination(); }
is used (e.g., authors, tags, etc.). Note that there are no pagination links on the LinoFeast preview site.
In trying to figure out why, I discovered that the pagination.php file in framework/common/ returns the HTML code for pagination links, but does not echo that code at any point.
echo $out;
at line 49 of pagination.php has fixed the issue. I also added a couple of line breaks to:
$out .= '</span><br/><br/>';
at line 32 of pagination.php so that there is space between “Page 1 of X” and the pagination links.
Thought this might be helpful for others, and should be updated in future releases of the theme.