Tagged: Business Hours Pro
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- Topics: 1
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- Total posts: 2
Post count: 1I just purchased this plugin from EnvatoMarket and I’m already registered on the tech support forum and experiencing most of the problems I’m reading about here. First, the admin section is missing the entry fields to add text to the Single Day Off and Multiple Days Off parameters. I created a schedule then assigned holidays to it and it seems to be a known issue all that does is add a tag in that line but still shows the hours as open. I see on this forum reading other peoples issues that the tech support has little to no interest in helping let alone resolving these problems. I’ve owned this plugin for about an hour and I just want my money back. It’s pointless, I can just put a text widget in my sidebar and update it weekly by hand more accurately than this plugin. But still, you have my $20 and I have nothing, so it would be great to get some use out of this starting with simply being able to use all of the features that you claim it has.
Please advise where to begin on either troubleshooting or a refund. I see you’re real big on asking for WP logins but then I’m not seeing many follow up posts that any issues have been reconciled. I am also reading where you cut people off when their support term expires and ask for a payment to continue. I have 6 months of support, I can see I better start now.