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Unknowen Support Status
- Topics: 4
- Replies: 13
- Total posts: 17
Post count: 17I discovered a couple of problems with the main menu when viewing our dev site on a tablet with iOS which make the site difficult to navigate and use:
1. When touching on a menu item that has a sub-menu, only the small far right ‘down-arrow’ works. Tapping on the text itself doesn’t reveal the sub-menu, even though the text highlights. However, for the menu items that have no sub-menu (Sermons, Give, etc.), the text link does work. How do we ensure that all of the text in the menu works, and not just the tiny arrows on the right?
2. When the main menu is activated on a tablet (when held vertically / in portrait mode), if the user attempts to scroll at all, no matter how minor, the menu disappears. This only happens on a tablet; on smart phones it appears to work fine.