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recover from that IP sends an email (addnew.php)

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    Just can't stay away
    Post count: 130
    2016-05-10 at 6:55 pm #14299

    it is possible to add a code to retrieve IP of the sender
    a customer review?

    I feel that something is missing in this variable because I am not able to retrieve the IP with my php scripts. For moemnt I:

    PHP code
    $print(“Votre adresse IP est : $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]”);

    // Code for sending email When a new testimonial has-been Added

    		// Code for sending mail when a new testimonial has been Added
    		if ( $rset && mysqli_affected_rows($link)>0 ) {
    			$to     	= $useremail;                    
    			$subject 	= 'Nouveau Témoignage Ajouté';
    			$message 	= "Témoignage Détails". "\r\n" ;
    			$message 	.='Nom du client :'.stripslashes( $client_id ). "\r\n" ;
    			$message 	.='Témoignage :' .stripslashes( $feedback ). "\r\n" ;
    			$headers 	= 'De:' .$to . "\r\n" ;
    			@mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
    			$successmsg	 = 	"Témoignage a été ajouté avec succès.";
                            $print("Votre adresse IP est : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']");

    issue here
    add the function id #checkbox

    		else if (jQuery("#checkbox").prop("checked")==false) {
    	        alert("Cochez cette case si vous acceptez les termes et conditions.");
    	        return false;			

    add “name” checkbox and “id” checkbox
    code is correct

    								<div class="item">
    									<div class="checkbox">
    										<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="checkbox" > En continuant, vous acceptez les <a href="cgu.php"><span class="skin-color">Conditions générales</span></a>.

    thank you

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