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Need help for customization within Business Hours Pro

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    2016-06-10 at 9:42 am #14845

    Hi, yesterday I bought Business Hours Pro Plugin.
    Now I have some questions about customization and Feature Suggestions.

    The first Question:
    I played around a little bit within the plugin.

    a) Is it possible to get the “open” and “closed” DOT right beside the Days instead of having it right beside the Date? So it would look much more better?
    b) And to disable the DOT above in the Header?

    I have uploaded an Image within this Message. So you are able to see what I mean.

    Next I want to suggest a feature for following scenario. As I need the plugin for a Hotel and Restaurant there are some special rules. So in most case Hotels and Restaurants have open on holidays. For example: If the Restaurant has normally closed on Mondays but this is a holiday then the Restaurant has open. So there should be a function like the Holidays Function but with revers function. Where this days which are normally signed as closed can be overruled.

    The next feature suggestion is for the holidays list. There is as Widget for the sidebar. But is it possible to make a shortcode the same way like for the business hours List? So that this holidays could be included in content with a simple shortcode?

    Last but not least – I discovered if the business hours list is not added to one of a Sidebar Widget then the CSS Styling for Business Hours List or the Holiday List is not loading within the Webpage.

    Thank´s for your reply
    With best Regards, Karl Stöckl (Austria)

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